HOLIDAY ANNOUNCEMENT - Please plan your trip ahead and aim to arrive early at our venues. Please book online early to avoid disappointment.
The material on our internet site is intended for the general information of the Bass Coast Shire community and visitors to the Shire. The content of our site is up-dated regularly, but users are advised to check the currency and validity of information with specific service areas or relevant government authority as our site content is not intended to be fully comprehensive in all instances. Bass Coast Shire Council does not accept any liability for the information or advice (or the use of such) which is provided on this website.
Our site contains links to other sites that may be of assistance. Although great care is taken to ensure only valid sites have links from our site, Bass Coast Shire Council accepts no responsibility for the information contained on these external sites. Bass Coast Shire Council has no control over theses external linked sites or the material or information contained therein. When selecting a site link, the user is leaving Bass Coast Shire Council’s site and entering a new site. The privacy, copyright and the disclaimer of that new site should be viewed and understood as it will vary from that of Bass Coast Shire Council.
Contact Us
Bass Coast Shire Council
1300 BCOAST (226 278) or (03) 5671 2211 or via the National Relay Service (for people with speech or hearing difficulties) on 13 36 77
Cultural Venue Enquiries
Bass Coast Shire Council
76 McBride Avenue, Wonthaggi 3995